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What Are the Advantages of Silicone Feeding Set?

Feeding babies and kids can be an adventure. And I think it is really important to know that there isn’t really a good way or a bad way to do it and nobody should be making someone else feel guilty about their choices on how their feed their kids. I think the most important thing is that they are being fed and nurtured and will be able to grow up healthy.

One important piece of this process for sure is the use of a silicone feeding set. They will help with rations and make the eating process more entertaining and fun for your kid. Giving them a little chance of feeling independence. Kids love to act like adults because they copy everything we do.

You can find a huge variety of feeding sets at Newtop Rubber. They are one of the leading companies that design and manufacture liquid silicone rubber, with more than 12 years of experience.

Image: Hot Selling Food Grade BPA Free Non-Toxic Baby Feeding Set

It’s not only baby products made of silicone that you can find with them but a lot of different ones in different industries. They can also create custom silicone molds, to create products that fulfill your specific needs. Which is great for your business or project.

How to start feeding your kid?

The process of feeding your kids can be a very overwhelming process. Sadly, in the social media era, people can make you feel guilty for what you choose for your own kids. If you choose to feed them with formula or breastfeed them, that should be your choice. And how you continue their feeding process is still your choice, based on what you consider good for you and your kid.

Image: Wholesale Fashional Design Food Grade Silicone Popsicle Mold

For some parents, especially new ones, it’s hard to believe that their baby can actually choose if they want to eat and how much they want to it. This might come as a struggle because of the culture we have of clearing the plate or just eating one more bite. But to be honest, kids are actually born intuitive eaters, which means they know how much they need and when they need to stop and it is important that parents trust it.

If you want to rest assured that your kid is meeting their nutrition needs, give them a pleasant eating experience and give them a natural ability to be able to eat intuitively, you can do so, by offering them between five to six eating opportunities during the day (between meals and snacks), they should have lots of variety. This way you’re not focusing on just one specific meal. For this, you can always use fun and entertaining silicone feeding set.

Philosophies you can follow

One of the philosophies you can follow is the one known as Satter’s division of responsibility. You can totally trust it but also have to be patient with it. With this philosophy, parents are responsible for some things, like what is served to eat, and when and where, while kids are responsible for others, like how much they eat and if they want to eat.

Image: Hot BPA Free Soft Silicone Baby Feeding Plate 

You can start introducing your baby to solid food by 6 months. You can choose the first food, it can either be fruits, veggies, meat, beans, or baby cereal. It’s important to also choose foods that are rich in iron. Babies need at least this type of food twice a day. You have to limit rice cereal and try, for example, whole grain that is iron-enriched for infants or oatmeal cereals.

Something important too is to be aware that some foods can be choking hazards, so please, take an infant CPR course, if it’s between your possibilities. You can feed them with the combo method, this means putting their food on a silicone feeding set and letting them eat with a spoon or self-feed with their fingers. Remember gagging is normal and it will prevent them from actually choking.

Image: Whole Bulk Fashional Food Grade Silicone Whisky Ice Ball Manufacturer

It’s important to have in mind that there’s no reason to delay any allergenic food, like milk, eggs, peanuts, etc. Any possible allergens should be introduced at six months. And please always remember that you need to let your kid be responsible for how much they eat.

There are more philosophies that you can follow, but it is important that whatever you choose, you do it by doing good research and always consulting the kid’s pediatrician, as they will ultimately guide you through the process.

Image: Hot-selling Silicone Manufacturer Heart Sippy Cup

About Deloach John

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