- Health

Can breast cancer recur?

A breast cancer recurrence is cancer that comes back after treatment after some time when cancer is detected. Repeat can happen months or years after the original breast cancer is treated suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

The surgeon removes all visible and felt tumors during surgery to remove the original breast cancer. But cancer tests aren’t sensitive enough to detect single cancer cells or groups of a few cancer cells that may remain after surgery under breast cancer treatment in Noida.

A small group of cells can survive radiation therapy and chemotherapy after surgery. Even a single cancer cell that remained after treatment may be able to multiply and grow into a tumor suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Cancer found in the opposite breast with no cancer in another part of the body is likely new cancer, not a recurrence under breast cancer treatment in Noida.


Zeeva is one of the best breast cancer treatment centers in Noida, which helps you lead a happy and healthy life after the treatment.

Local recurrence

Local recurrence means cancer came back in the same breast or the surgery scar.

Symptoms of local recurrence

  • A new lump in the breast or the chest wall
  • An area of the breast that feels unnaturally firm
  • Flattening or other nipple changes
  • Skin pulling or swelling near the original breast cancer surgery site or thickening of surgery scars

After breast cancer operation and radiation therapy, the breast area may be swollen and red for a few months after those treatments are completed suggested by the best oncologist in Noida. Still, if we have any concerns about any changes we notice in our breasts, we talk to our doctor.

If we had a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, we might feel lumps caused by a build-up of scar tissue or dead fat cells in the reconstructed breast. These lumps usually aren’t cancer, but tell our doctor about any lumps we feel in our breasts so they can be monitored under breast cancer treatment in Noida.

Staging local recurrence

The stage of a local recurrence is determined by the cancer’s features, like how large it is and whether or not it has hormone receptors. The phase of cancer helps our doctor and us:

  • Figuring out our prognosis, which is the likely outcome of the disease
  • Decide on the best treatment options for us
  • Determine if specific clinical trials may be an option for us

Doctors know that the characteristics of a local recurrence may be different than the original breast cancer. For example, original cancer may have been hormone receptor-negative, and the local recurrence may be hormone receptor-positive suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Regional recurrence

Regional recurrence means cancer comes back in the lymph nodes in the armpit or collarbone area near where the original cancer is diagnosed or in the chest wall or skin of the breast under breast cancer treatment in Noida.

Symptoms of regional recurrence

  • A lump or inflammation in the lymph nodes under the arm, above the collarbone, or near the breastbone
  • Constant chest pain

Staging regional recurrence

A regional recurrence is considered locally-advanced breast cancer and is usually considered stage 3 breast cancer.

Doctors know that the characteristics of a regional recurrence may be different than the original breast cancer suggested by the best oncologist in Noida. For example, original cancer may have been hormone receptor-negative, and the regional replay may be hormone receptor-positive.

Distant recurrence

A distant recurrence means cancer has traveled to remote body parts, most commonly the bones, liver, and lungs.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Persistent and worsening pain
  • Persistent cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss without trying
  • Severe headaches

When to see a doctor

After our breast cancer treatments, our doctor will likely create a schedule of follow-up exams for us. During follow-up exams, our doctor checks for any symptoms or signs of cancer recurrence suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

You can also report any new signs or symptoms to our doctor under breast cancer treatment in Noida. Make an appointment with our doctor if we notice any persistent signs and symptoms that worry us.

Difficulties of breast cancer recurrence:

Breast cancer that comes back can be forceful to treat. The same therapy isn’t always productive again. Tumors can develop a tolerance to specific medications like chemotherapy. Our doctor will try other medicines. We may be able to try drugs under development in clinical trials for breast cancer treatment in Noida.

If breast cancer spreads to other body parts, our doctor still treats it like breast cancer. For example, breast cancer cells that proceed to the lungs create breast cancer in the lungs – not lung cancer suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

About Graham Hill

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