- Industry

Do You Know Why Material Handling Needs Pallet Inverters?

The supply chain’s most evident processes and activities aren’t usually the only ones that require updating and improving. Even while the so-called first mile may go unnoticed or unheard by consumers, it is just as important as the final.

Each mile, when added together, influences how well manufacturing and wholesale processes work. By streamlining the entire line-up, it improves the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of all goods and services.

Deploying automated devices and machinery, such as cutting-edge robotics, is one of the best methods to make it happen. As long as they are properly maintained, these solutions never wear out, burn out, or falter, unlike human labourers.

As an example, a pallet inverter designed by Top Industries Inc. can make the operation of turning any pallet or exchanging pallets very easy and safe rather than doing the same operation manually.

How does a pallet inverter work?

Pallet inverters feature a rotating base frame with a clamp mechanism fixed to it. The enormous precision bearing and torque-boosted electric drive motor turn the clamp while the clamp is hydraulically controlled.

The touch pad controls on the inverter provide dependable, trouble-free use of all its features. The operator only needs to press one button to begin a full cycle.


List Of Warehouse Material Handling Equipment (MHE) Used For Cargo

  • Food manufacturers can conveniently eliminate wooden pallets from their processing floor. Timber pallets are easily swapped for “clean room” standard by replacing with in-house plastic or steel pallet.
  • In automated retrieval and storage systems where pallets can be routinely checked and also defective pallet loads has to be exchanged.
  • Export goods available on rental or in-house pallets can always be transferred to another pallet (or certain slip sheet), which is suitable for export.
  • Pallet loads which required to be straighten out and “squared up”.


  • Safety fencing for protecting other personnel.
  • Remote control for minimizing the need for any forklift driver to leave his seat.
  • Photo-eyes or certain light curtain having interlock in addition to safety fencing.
  • Forklift bump edge.


Workers must be safeguarded from contact with pallet inverters when they rotate since they run on automatic cycles. Interlocking electronic photo eyes or curtains, in addition to safety barriers, increase workplace security.


  • Pallet inverters are large and need dedicated floor space.
  • The pallet inversion cycle takes 20 to 35 seconds and this has to be accounted for in high volume applications.
  • Pallet loads with uneven sides or tops may also not invert well.

Inverters typically run smoothly and slowly. Even sensitive goods can be inverted with confidence if the weight is properly positioned because there should be no movement during the cycle.

Some product types may still need to be moved by hand if there are several different product types to be reversed. This is especially true in cases where the packaging is flimsy.

Top Industries Inc. has designed and supplied such equipment for several industries. To remain updated with the company’s recent development you can follow on Linkedin profile of the company.

About Melendez Gary

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