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Artificial Grass installation

For years, the benefits of artificial grass have been well-researched and marketed. However, when it comes to installing artificial grass, you should be aware of all the facts beforehand. Homeowners who have made the transition before you wish they had known a few things about the installation process. These suggestions will help you prevent any confusion or issues that may arise during the installation of your artificial grass.

There Is Preparation Work Involved

Before we can install your new synthetic artificial grass, we must remove the old artificial grass. The soil must then be adequately prepared. While this may appear simple, removing existing sod is laborious and time-consuming. Depending on the amount of grass to be removed, the size of their crew, and how they handle the removal assignment, most professional landscaping companies that work with artificial turf may complete the job in two or three days.

Once the old grass has been removed, the soil must be aerated and leveled to eliminate any depressions or mounds. The subsequent phase of the project might then commence. Welcome, fake grass!


Installing artificial grass is not difficult, but it takes time. For example, installing 1,500 square feet of artificial grass can take two to four days. The duration of the installation is contingent upon the number of individuals working on the project, their level of experience, and the weather.

Exact measurements must be taken, and grass must be meticulously trimmed to fit, leaving no jagged edges. Installation should ideally occur while temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This may minimize early-morning work during cooler seasons, which could lengthen the total installation time. If everything goes as planned, your new lawn can be installed in a couple of days.

Clear Out

The last thing you want is an installation contractor who leaves a mess and then abandons their duties. Professional installers from Heavenly Greens will ensure that this does not occur. After the completion of the project, we will remove and dispose of any leftover grass. We will leave your yard looking at least as attractive as it did before our arrival.

One thing to remember, however. Existing sod removal is the dirtiest component of our work. If the weather is really dry, this process will generate dust. We do everything possible to prevent this, however, if the weather is dry during the installation, you may choose to keep your windows closed.

Overall Cost

Artificial grass installation is an investment. Upon first glance, the price tag may appear to be pricey. However, you must consider the long term, like with any large investment. You will incur minimal maintenance expenses, and you may amortize the initial cost of artificial grass over the many years you will enjoy it. This transforms your significant spending into a superior investment with undeniable financial and practical returns.

Your landscaping receives an attractive facelift. You receive less yard work. Your property’s value increases as a result of the enhanced curb appeal and absence of future maintenance. Studies indicate that properties with artificial grass not only command greater prices but also sell more quickly than those with high-maintenance natural grass lawns. Then why not? What prospective homebuyer wouldn’t be thrilled by a more attractive, low-maintenance yard?

In the meanwhile, understanding what is required to install your new synthetic grass can ensure that the installation goes as planned. Beautiful grass, by the way!

About Clare Louise

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